Danny's Bags

A helping hand during a difficult time.

Individuals battling addiction and going through rehab will have a somewhat easier time to get through their detox thanks in part to the Daniel J. Adamczyk Foundation.
The foundation has started a program in which it donates tote bags filled with toiletries to area rehabilitation facilities treating patients who are battling alcohol and drug addiction.
Cazenovia Recovery Systems, Kids Escaping Drugs, Horizon Health, and The Margaret A. Stutzman Addiction Treatment Center were among the first facilities to benefit from this project.
The bags are filled with necessities that are overlooked when a person enters a rehabilitation facility.
In the bag are shampoo, conditioner, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a stress ball, a pair of socks, a water bottle, and a granola bar.  A note with a picture of Danny is also included.

“Giving them a little bit of encouragement and telling them that we hope this bag helps,” says Daniel’s mom Christine Adamczyk. “The struggle is real. These people struggle in rehab and to go through a detox, I feel bad, and my heart goes out to these people who have to do this.”​

She says the pain of watching Danny battle his addiction was her motivation.​

“Danny was lucky to have a family that was there for him, that loved him, that shared the pain.  We were there 24/7 for him,” she said. “There are families that don’t care about their loved ones and just drop them off and say you’re on your own.  I feel for these people that don’t have anybody to rely on when they’re going through this.”

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These facilities have received Danny's Bags.